Could gaming be boosting your health?

Gaming is bigger than ever. With thousands of games across multiple platforms, it’s so much more accessible and acceptable as a hobby these days. In recent years, we’ve even seen the emergence of e-sports will million dollar prize pots at stake!

Along with all its entertainment value, gaming sometimes gets a bad rap for playing a part in an unhealthy lifestyle. But fear not, your favourite guilty pleasure also comes with a host of health benefits.

We’ll break them down for you by cognitive, mental health and physical benefits.


  • Improved basic visual process. A study (‘Enhancing the Contrast Sensitivity Function through Action Video Game Training’) discovered that fifty hours of an action/adventure video game spread over ten to twelve weeks improved visual contrast sensitivity, which is your ability to distinguish subtle differences in shades of gray!
  • Improved multitasking. Another study (‘Improving Multi-Tasking Ability through Action Video games’) found that 50 hours on a video game improved performance on the Multi-Attribute Task Battery, an assessment designed to test skills required for being a pilot.
  • Improved performance in job-related skills. If you’re an avid gamer and have a job that requires good hand-eye coordination, quick decision-making, sharp attention, and memory, you’re in luck!

Mental health

  • Lots of people use video games as a way to wind down from their day. An Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine found that gamers who suffered from stress and/or depression showed improvement from their condition due to their ability to vent frustration and aggression through video games.

Last but not least, physical

Video games can act as pain relief! Research presented at the American Pain Society’s Conference in 2010 found that playing video games effectively reduced anxiety or pain caused by chronic illness or medical procedures. Virtual reality games were even more effective.

To get additional physical benefits from gaming, try a couple of these fitness tips between multiplayer matches, or during a loading screen:

  • Planks are great way to tone your core. Hop down onto the floor and set yourself up in a plank position, making sure you keep as straight as possible (as shown below). Hold for 30 seconds and release.
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  • Squats are another easy exercise you can do in front of your TV or desk. Follow the correct positioning in the picture below and squat ten times.

    Image source:
  • Stretching is a must to avoid stiff and sore muscles. Follow the diagram below to gently stretch your neck. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and release, then do the same thing on the other side.
Image source:

Note: remember to always consult with your doctor if you have any physical restrictions or any other health problems that could limit your ability to do physical activity.

Happy gaming!

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