The many benefits of being fit

As the 2016 Olympics drew to a close, no doubt you’ve watched Michael Phelps dominate the pool, Usain Bolt speed to 100 metre victory, or our Aussie 7s female rugby team clinch gold.

The amazing display of strength, endurance and fitness at the Olympics is unparalleled, as the world’s greatest athletes unite in an inimitable display of athleticism.

The Olympic Games spurs fitness and sports-related dialogue worldwide. The Games inspire us to play harder, reach higher and to improve our general health and wellbeing, including our fitness.

The Games clearly demonstrate how regular exercise performed correctly, can dramatically improve strength and endurance and overall fitness.

Research demonstrates that regular physical activity can minimise the risk of developing several diseases and health conditions, including:

Heart disease or stroke: Exercise is proven to prevent heart disease and stroke, because it helps to strengthen your heart muscle, to increase your “good cholesterol” levels and decrease your “bad cholesterol” levels. Cholesterol checks are a must for those who consider themselves at risk of heart disease or stroke and professional advice on how to optimally manage high cholesterol levels.

High blood pressure: Regular exercise can help to bring your high blood pressure into the healthy range. At many pharmacies today, they offer free blood pressure checks, so be sure to book an appointment with your local pharmacy to have your blood pressure tested today.

Osteoarthritis: An umbrella term for more than 100 different musculoskeletal diseases, osteoarthritis is one of the biggest public health issues facing Australian today, with the latest ABS figures estimating one-in-13 Australians are living with one form of osteoarthritis or another.

Perform strengthening exercises to reduce pain and stiffness in your joints, and minimise your risk of osteoarthritis, such as yoga and Tai chi, as well as water-based exercises. Visit your local GP today to learn how to best manage osteoarthritis via diet, exercise and supplements.

Obesity: If you burn more calories than consume, then you will shed weight. Exercise helps to burn calories, and can ultimately, promote weight loss. Weight loss reduces blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, along with the risk of joint damage or osteoarthritis. Importantly, weight loss also improves self-esteem, strengthens your immune system and boosts memory function. To learn more about the benefits of weight loss, talk to your local GP today.

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